Fred Lokken

Mr. Lokken is currently a tenured Professor of Political Science at Truckee Meadow Community College. In his 24 years at TMCC, Fred Lokken has served in the following positions: instructor of Political Science, tenured professor of Political Science, DE Coordinator/Director/Assistant Dean/Associate Dean/Dean, Director of the Incline Village program, Government Liaison/Cabinet member/Campus Lobbyist to State Legislature. Currently Dean responsible for WebCollege, Academic Support Center (after-hours administrator, switchboard, information desk, photo IDs, part-time faculty support, catalog, room scheduling, common course numbering, curriculum newsletter, online student proctoring center, student lockers, KJIV-FM radio license, Nontraditional No More project/concierge for active adult learners) and History, Political Science & Law.
Mr. Lokken currently serves as chair of the Coalition of Affiliated Councils (COAC) of the American Association of Community Colleges. COAC represented thirty-two affiliated councils of the AACC. Mr. Lokken is also a member (and past-chair) of the Board of Directors of the Instructional Technology Council (ITC – In that capacity, he annually conducts the only national survey of community colleges on Distance Education. He also serves as a political expert for local, state and national affairs.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, a Masters of Arts in Political Science from Washington State University, and an ABD in Political Science from the University of British Columbia.
Mr. Lokken was appointed by Governor Brian Sandoval in August 2015 as a Nevada Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) commissioner.